How to Create a Gantt Chart in Excel

Gantt chart in Excel - table

Believe it or not, gantt charts can be created relatively painlessly in MS Excel.  A simple one will take about 15 minutes with only a basic knowledge of Excel, and I’m going to show you how.

Step 1: Enter the Task data

The first step is to enter your tasks in table form in Excel.  Make sure you have the following four columns

  1. Task
  2. Start Date
  3. Duration
  4. End Date

Although the third column can be calculated from the first two, all three need to be present.  Enter the data like this:

Step 2:  Create the Bar Chart

From the menu, choose Insert > Column or Bar Chart > 2D Bar > Stacked Bar.  The icons look like this:

Gantt chart in Excel - Insert MenuGantt chart in Excel - Create Stacked Bar ChartThe chart that is produced will look like this:

Gantt chart in Excel - Bar chartStep 3: Adjust the x-axis

You cannot see the duration bars in between the blue and grey bars because they are extremely small.  The size of the X axis goes all the way from January 1, 1900 until today!

Unfortunately, MS Excel uses numbered dates which go sequentially and start at zero on January 1, 1900.  This makes fixing the X axis a little bit more difficult, but here’s the procedure.

Select the earliest date in the spreadsheet, right-click, and choose Format Cells.  Under Number > General, you will see the numerical number for that date.  Remember that number.

Gantt chart in Excel - find date values

Back at the bar chart, right click on the X axis, and choose Format Axis…

Gantt chart in Excel - Format axis

Enter the number you found into the Minimum box, and play with the Minimum and Maximum until you find the right range.  Remember, one number equals one day.

Gantt chart in Excel - format axis

Step 4:  Reverse the Order of the Tasks

As you can see, the tasks are in the reverse order.  To rectify this, right click on the vertical axis and choose Format Axis…
Gantt chart in Excel - reverse order

Choose Categories in Reverse Order.

Gantt chart in Excel - reverse orderStep 5:  Remove extra bars

To remove the blue and grey bars on either side of the duration bars, right click on the blue and grey bars and choose Format Data Series…
Gantt chart in Excel - reverse orderChoose No fill and No line.

Gantt chart in Excel - remove extra barsStep 6:  Delete the chart title and legend

Highlight the Chart Title and legend and hit the Delete keyGantt chart in Excel - chart title
Gantt chart in Excel - delete legend

Step 7:  Miscellaneous Formatting

In my example, I used the following formatting, but you may wish to adjust this to your preferences:

  • The x-axis has its text rotated 90 degrees.  Right click on the X axis and choose Format Axis… to get the following dialog box:
  • The main chart area has a grey background.  Right click in the chart area outside of the graph, and choose Format Chart Area… to get the following dialog box:Gantt chart in Excel - miscellaneous formatting
  • The interior chart area has a white background.  Right click on the interior chart area and choose Format Plot Area… to get the following dialog box:
  • The duration bars are blue.  Right click on the duration bars and choose Format Data Series… to get the following dialog box:

Gantt chart in Excel - chart formatting

That’s it!

As you can see, with this procedure it is amazingly simple to:

  1. Add new tasks.  Just insert a new row into the spreadsheet and the chart will update automatically.
  2. Change task dates.  Just change the date in the spreadsheet and the chart will update automatically.
  3. Format the chart.  The options are as limitless as Excel’s formatting options.  Change fonts, sizes, bar colors, thicknesses, add gradients, borders, or backgrounds.
  4. Print the chart.  It’s very easy to resize the chart for printing.


  1. Time.  Even the web applications available today won’t get you a functioning gantt chart this quickly.
  2. Formatting options.  The options for sizes and colors, font styles, gradient or pattern fills, and line thicknesses are superior to any other software out there.


  1. The x-axis.  It is not very easy to see the chart in the context of months or weeks.
  2. Printing.  You cannot print the chart over more than one page.  Since most gantt charts have a long time duration (several months or more), the gantt chart becomes compressed horizontally when squeezed on to one page.

About Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP

Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP, is the president of Roseke Engineering. As a bridge engineer and project manager, he manages projects ranging from small, local bridges to multi-million dollar projects. He is also the technical brains behind ProjectEngineer, the online project management system for engineers. He is a licensed professional engineer, certified project manager, and six sigma black belt. He lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, with his wife and two kids.

View all posts by Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP

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