About Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP

Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP, is the president of Roseke Engineering. As a bridge engineer and project manager, he manages projects ranging from small, local bridges to multi-million dollar projects. He is also the technical brains behind ProjectEngineer, the online project management system for engineers. He is a licensed professional engineer, certified project manager, and six sigma black belt. He lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, with his wife and two kids.

View all posts by Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP
How to Design a Radial Gate

Radial Gates, also known as tainter gates (after the structural engineer who popularized them) are the most common type of spillway gate in use today.  It is classified as an undershot gate because water flows under the gate. It consists of a curved skin plate supported by a structural steel....

Big Company or Small Company? Where would you rather work?

Big companies and small companies each have their own pros and cons.  In the end, it comes down to personal choice.  Read through the following pros and cons and see where you fit. Small Company Pros: Better experience at multiple projects and more diversity in your experience. Small companies tend....

How to Calculate the Hydraulic Grade Line

The Hydraulic Grade Line is a graph of the pressure and gravitational heads plotted along the position of the pipeline or channel. HGL Elevation = hp + hz Where: hp = pressure head (m or ft) hz = gravitational head (m or ft) Energy Grade Line Th Energy Grade Line....

5 Ways to tell if your Project is Heading for Failure

In today's ultra-competitive landscape, it doesn't take much for projects to turn around and chart a direction for failure.  Even some of the best project managers I know have had their share of troubled projects. So take a litmus test right now.  If your project exhibits any of these 5....

China plans the World’s Longest Sea Tunnel

The busy ports of Dalian and Yantai are located on either side of the Bohai Sea, about 170 km (106 miles) apart.  The driving time by road around the bay is about 16 hours.  Engineers are planning the world's longest undersea tunnel to shuttle freight traffic between them.  It would....

5 reasons why you need to be familiar with Corporate Strategy

Strategy and corporate planning might seem like the domain of others, but project managers in today's environment need to be familiar their corporation's strategic goals.  Here are six reasons why. Project evaluation. Decision making. Team building. Resisting project cancellation (or other adverse outcome). Stay on track. Project Evaluation These days....

The World’s New Largest Airport

Later this month the Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai will begin serving scheduled passenger traffic.  Al Maktoum is a central component of Dubai World Central, a new development about 12 km from Dubai's central economic district. Once completed, the airport will have a passenger capacity of 160 million people. ....

Project Management Roles

In order to ensure a successful project, roles must be clear and well defined.  The following project leadership roles are essential to any project: Project Manager Functional Manager Executive Project Manager Clearly the success of the project depends on the project manager.  The project manager's job is simply to ensure....

How to Calculate Present Value

Present value calculations are an essential part of almost every industry.  I see projects every day whose economic basis depend on knowing the present value of  a stream of cash flow.  Unfortunately most of the time projects are justified simply on the basis of having money in the budget and choosing the....

Swell Factors for Various Soils

A cubic yard of earth measured in its natural position swells to more than a cubic yard after it is excavated.  This occurs because of an increase in voids. Swell is expressed as a percentage of natural volume, for example, if 10 yd3 in the ground becomes 13 yd3 after....